Society for Urban Rural Economic and Socio Habitation (S.U.R.E.S.H)

Name and Address Of The Organization
Society for Urban Rural Economic and Socio Habitation (S.U.R.E.S.H)
D.No: 123 / 108 Police Station Street,
PARADARAMI, Vellore District,TamilNadu–632 603
Chief Functionary
Mr. R. Stanley Jaya Prakash
President & Director
Mobile: +91 9550986466

Legal Status of Organization
- Registered as a Society under the A.P. Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860. Registration No.: 816/1994, registered on 17.12.1994.
- Registeredundersections12Aand80GoftheIncomeTaxAct1961.
- Registered with NGO Darpan Portal and the registration No.AP / 2017 / 0170962
- Registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). Registration No. 010140230. Valid until 31.09.2028.
- Registeredwiththe MinistryofCorporateAffairs,GovernmentofIndia under CSR Form 1 to undertake CSR Activities. Registration No. CSR00014081
Contact Details
Landline / Mobile: 9550986466
Email :
D.No: 123 / 108 Police Station Street,
PARADARAMI, Vellore District,TamilNadu–632 603
The SURESH is a Registered, non-political, non-profitable, non-governmental organization with necessary FCRA and Income Tax exemption under section 12(A)&80(G). As a rural based and grassroots community supporting NGO, we have been serving the cause of poor and needy in the spheres of Health, Education, Environment, Drinking water, Women & Children and Economic & Skill Development programmes. Especially we are working with Dalit, Gypsy, Minorities, women self-help group members and Children.
Achieve Holistic Development of the Marginalized and Weaker Sections
Empowerment of the Marginalized Sections
A Just Society based on Love
Aim and Objectives
- To help women to become self-reliant by providing wholesome development
- To work for the economic, social, educational and cultural development of the people
- To work for the welfare and development of the people without any discrimination against caste, creed, religion, colour and linguistic
- To organize medical camps Health education in slum areas schools and in remote villages, conduct special programs for educating the people regarding hazardous of HIV/AIDS and other contagious diseases and make them understand the concept – Prevention is better than Cure.
- To conduct school health camps in remote villages located in forest areas and out of public transport villages
- To provide safe and purified drinking water in the slums, villages and rural schools and create awareness on water borne diseases and waste water management
- Giving special focus for Job oriented vocational skill training to youth, women and men.
- To infuse and build awareness education about ecological and environmental conservation and initiate measures to prevent environmental pollution degradation, promote kitchen garden, impairment and imbalance in urban and rural habitats