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Home - NGO Networks - Society for Urban Rural Economic and Socio Habitation (S.U.R.E.S.H)

Society for Urban Rural Economic and Socio Habitation (S.U.R.E.S.H)

Name and Address Of The Organization

Society for Urban Rural Economic and Socio Habitation (S.U.R.E.S.H)

D.No: 123 / 108 Police Station Street,
PARADARAMI, Vellore District,TamilNadu–632 603

Chief Functionary

Mr. R. Stanley Jaya Prakash 

President & Director

Mobile: +91 9550986466

Legal Status of Organization

  • Registered as a Society under the A.P. Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860. Registration No.: 816/1994, registered on 17.12.1994.
  • Registeredundersections12Aand80GoftheIncomeTaxAct1961.
  • Registered with NGO Darpan Portal and the registration No.AP / 2017 / 0170962
  • Registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). Registration No. 010140230. Valid until 31.09.2028.
  • Registeredwiththe MinistryofCorporateAffairs,GovernmentofIndia under CSR Form 1 to undertake CSR Activities. Registration No. CSR00014081

Contact Details

Landline / Mobile: 9550986466

Email :


D.No: 123 / 108 Police Station Street,
PARADARAMI, Vellore District,TamilNadu–632 603


The SURESH is a Registered, non-political, non-profitable, non-governmental organization with necessary FCRA and Income Tax exemption under section 12(A)&80(G). As a rural based and grassroots community supporting NGO, we have been serving the cause of poor and needy in the spheres of Health, Education, Environment, Drinking water, Women & Children and Economic & Skill Development programmes. Especially we are working with Dalit, Gypsy, Minorities, women self-help group members and Children.


Achieve Holistic Development of the Marginalized and Weaker Sections


Empowerment of the Marginalized Sections


A Just Society based on Love

Aim and Objectives

  • To help women to become self-reliant by providing wholesome development
  • To work for the economic, social, educational and cultural development of the people
  • To work for the welfare and development of the people without any discrimination against caste, creed, religion, colour and linguistic
  • To organize medical camps Health education in slum areas schools and in remote villages, conduct special programs for educating the people regarding hazardous of HIV/AIDS and other contagious diseases and make them understand the concept – Prevention is better than Cure.
  • To conduct school health camps in remote villages located in forest areas and out of public transport villages
  • To provide safe and purified drinking water in the slums, villages and rural schools and create awareness on water borne diseases and waste water management
  • Giving special focus for Job oriented vocational skill training to youth, women and men.
  • To infuse and build awareness education about ecological and environmental conservation and initiate measures to prevent environmental pollution degradation, promote kitchen garden, impairment and imbalance in urban and rural habitats