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Social Action for Value Education (SAVE) Trust

Name and Address Of The Organization

Social Action for Value Education (SAVE) Trust

No.6/41, Sir CV Raman Street, GKM Colony ,Chennai-TamilNadu. Pin:600082

Chief Functionary

Mr. S. Baskar
Managing Trustee & Project Director

Mobile: +91 9840157197

Legal Status of Organization

  • Registered under Indian Trust Act,1882.
  • Registration No.: 715/2003
  • Registered under sections 12AA and 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.
  • Registered with NGO Darpan Portal and the registration No.TN/2017/0170331
  • Registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). Registration No.: 075820369 Valid until 31.10.2028.
  • Registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs,Government o fIndia under CSR Form1 to undertake CSR Activities. Registration No. CSR00037919

Contact Details

Landline / Mobile: 9840157197
Email :

No.6/41, Sir CV Raman Street, GKM Colony ,Chennai-TamilNadu. Pin:600082

Information about the organization

Social Action for Value Education (SAVE) Trust is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to serving disadvantaged communities in Chennai and Tiruvallur districts since 2003. Our focus is on empowering women, children, school-going, and dropout youngsters through educational and vocational initiatives. Our democratic management structure consists of a 5-member committee, with three women members, which meets quarterly to review plans and strategies for effective program execution. We are registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) with registration number: 075820369, and our certification has been renewed for an additional five years until October 2028. Please find the new FCRA Renewal Certificate attached for your reference.

Working  Territories

Our organization is working in 50 urban slums of North Chennai in Zones, 4,5 and 6 of the Greater Chennai Corporation. We are working in 25 villages of Tiruvallur an Ellapuram Blocks of Tiruvallur District.

The Mission

It is the earnest endeavor of SAVE Trust to improve the lives of down-trodden and marginalized people, especially women and children, through development-based initiatives and through promotion of human rights. We strive to usher in the socio cultural and economic development, through multipurpose community developmental programs. The building blocks of our programs are to empower the powerless through education, skills and generatingawareness on issues that affect their daily lives.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To uplift the social, economic, and cultural life of the poor and marginalized
  • To cater to the health needs of the vulnerable sections of society
  • To promote awareness on Reproductive Health HIV and AIDS TB
  • To enhance the development of women and children through Vocational Training , Academic Support, Life Skills Education
  • To work for the up-gradation of ecology and environmental betterment
  • To provide Career Guidance for students and drop-outs Summer Camps for students
  • To network with rights-oriented community-based organizations for advocacy

On Going Projects Activities:

  • After School Tuition for school-going children in urban slums and rural areas in Chennai and Tiruvallur Districts. This program has been supported by The Bernard Morris Charitable Trust, UK and CHM.
  • Computer life skill education for women has been supported by The Bernard Morris Charitable Trust, UK.
  • HIV Intervention: This project has been supported by The Mercury Phoenix Trust, UK for the creation of awareness on HIV/AIDS among students and youth communities in urban slums.
  • Leprosy awareness & Intervention: This project has been supported by Basler Leprahilfe, Switzerland for the creation of awareness on Leprosy and organization of Detection Camps among slum communities.
  • Study Centre Programs for 10th and 12th class students & Career guidance for students studying in Government Schools and aided schools.
  • Special Shelter for Men: We are running this shelter for the attendants of inpatients in the premises of Stanley Medical College Hospital from 2017 sponsored by The Greater Chennai Corporation.