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Good Hopes Educational Committee

Name and Address Of The Organization

Good Hopes Educational Committee

No.3 Mandalas Mansion,Rajareddy Street,
Kadapa-516001, AndhraPradesh, South India.

Chief Functionary

Mr. S. David emmanuel
President & Program Director

Mobile: +91 9440104024

Legal Status of Organization

  • GHEC is Registered under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act
  • XXI   of   1860.Vide       RegistrationNo:      198/1987   Date   of   Registration: 01.06.1987.
  • Registered under sections12A and 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.
  • Registered  with NGO Darpan Portal and the registration No.AP/2018/0211438.
  • Registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA).Registration No:01016030, Valid up to 01-04-2027.
  • Registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India under CSR Form 1 to undertake CSR Activities. Registration No. CSR00017191

Contact Details

Landline / Mobile: +91 9440104024
Email :

No.3 Mandalas Mansion,Rajareddy Street,
Kadapa-516001, AndhraPradesh, South India.


To render social services on humanitarian grounds irrespective of caste, creed, religion, region, community, race, color, tribe, language, gender, age, and stage.


To support and uplift the poor, needy, suffering, disadvantaged, destitute, depressed, disabled, oppressed, and weaker section people of rural, tribal, slums, and suburban areas.

Present Activities


  • Providing educational materials for rural and tribal school children in Galiveedu Mandal and Khajipet Mandal of Kadapa District

Health and Sanitation

  • Awareness creation and Intervention for the Prevention of HIV/AIDS among Students and Youth in Khajipet Mandal of Kadapa  District.
  • Awareness creation for eradication of Leprosy through Training and educational initiatives with community participation in kadapa District.
  • Health and cleanness awareness in various villages in Kadapa District


  • Empowerment of women through Matweaving programme.
  • Income generation activity for the women through Basket making programme.


  • Refurbishment of Non-functioning old BoreWells in remote village in Kadapa District.